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Closing Reception of Nature, Architecture and the Spirit of Place: The Art of Diane Epstein

Join us as we celebrate and thank internationally celebrated artist and fresco photographer Diane Epstein a for her amazing solo show, Nature, Architecture and the Spirit of Place.

It’s a last opportunity at our gallery to learn about how biophilic art influences her inspiring and engaging work. Through her exploration of human emotions and her expert command of various mediums, Epstein has crafted a multi-dimensional art exhibition and interactive art gatherings, like a European art salon of days gone by, with creative experiences, visualizations and art/ writing prompts that will soothe your soul, and transport you to the body full presence of love and creative inspiration. 

February 10

Love and Life by Design: A Creative Gathering with Artist Diane Epstein

February 25

Grand Opening of Stanley Abercrombie Solo Show. Special introduction by Tom DiRenzo